1.Turn ON Computer.
a) First of all ascertain computer cables have been attached better and correct and
b) Install cable to stopkontak. c) Depress knob of ON [at] penstabil of tension ( stabilizer),
CPU, and monitor. d) Await lah a few moments till computers process booting, that is a[n
process when computer detect disk hard, disk drive floppy, CD-ROM, and CPU ( memory ,
clock, LOUVRE, and others).
e) After process of booting selesai,dilayar emerge box dialogued to fill Username and and
Password. If You use operating system of Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows XP, and
will not use network system, click cancel [at] box dialogued [by] Password. This Process in
network known as [by] authorization process.
d) After authorization process have, emerged desktop. [At] phase this is, computer made
ready to be used and You earn to use application as according to requirement.
2.Turn OFF Computer.
Besides knowing correct way to activate computer, You have to know way kill him. Way kill correct him to kill computer, that is as follows.
a) Ascertain all applications which have been used [by] have been closed.
b) [At] menu of pull-down start, click shutdown-ok ( Windows 98) or click of turn off
computer-turn off ( Windows XP). Await a few moments till emerge appearances of
Windows down shutting is. After itu,komputer will die denagan alone him.
c) Depress knob of OFF [at] monitor and penstabil of tension.
procedure, you Have to [do/conduct] successive fig. Thereby, computer You'D go along way or have old age [to].
Senin, 26 November 2007
Selasa, 25 September 2007
Cinta Segitiga antara MINCE, AISYAH, dan oscar
Konon, ada sebuah kisah cinta anak remaja ikan sepat. Mereka adalah Mince dan Aisyah. Entah mengapa, Mince sangat tergila-gila dengan Aisyah. Tapi, si Aisyah kok gak ngerespon. Mince sangat sengsara menunggu respon dari Aisyah. Di lain pihak, datanglah seorang pengacau, bernama oscar BRENGKEST. Si oscar nembak Aisyah, lewat sms pisan. SMS? Cape deyh... Hati Mince bagaikan tercabik-cabik. Akhirnya, dengan kelapangan hati, Mince mengalah. Ia merelakan Aisyah menerima si oscar BRENGKEST. Semua pada heran. Mengapa? Apa kata dunia?
UTS bAreNg ikAn SepAt
Ulangan Tengah Semester SMALVEN diadakan mulai besok. Hari ini warga ikan sepat mulai beramai-ramai menyusun strategi jitu untuk operasi "nyontek" mereka esok hari. Selain itu, mereka juga sibuk berebut tempat duduk yang strategis. Seperti apakah ikan sepat yang mengikuti UTS? Saksikan ulah mereka di ruang 21...!
Senin, 06 Agustus 2007
aBoUt me...
Hai-Hai!!!!!!!! km-km yg pingin kenal aq lbh dkt,km wajib baca biography aq sampai selesai!!!!
Namaq "oChIe",aq lahir tgl 09Februari1992,hobby aq mkn,tdr,baca novel,dengerin musik dll.
Yg aq sk dpt sesuatu/benda yg warnax "uNgU",tyuz dpt gratisan dll coz bnyk bgt yg aq sk.
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